Body Contouting

with Laser Lipo

Many of us have trouble reaching the body type that we desire, but that does not have to be the case. Whether this is due to genetic predispositions or lifestyle issues, there are just some areas of the body in which we are unable to affect the fat. 


With body contouring technology, laser lipo emulsifies, or liquidates fat from the hard to reach areas of the body. Subcutaneous cavities often hold fat in a way that makes it difficult to reach with diet and exercise. The laser lipo circumference management session is able to target these areas, liquidate the fat, and stimulate natural biological responses. The body’s cells send the fat out into the interstitial spaces in the body, and it is flushed out entirely.

With a laser lipo treatment plan, 6 sessions over two weeks can result in an average 3-5 inch circumference reduction. For men and women, this is a drastic change of more than just one size. For men, excess fat is generally found around the stomach, while women often carry this excess weight in the thighs. In many situations, no reasonable amount of exercise or dieting can remove this excess fat in a healthy manner. The laser lipo slimming system targets these areas in a safe and noninvasive way, with diameter reduction and is implemented in a painless way to reduce fat.

Add on Laser Lipo to other body contouring treatments for $65

$375 for 3 treatments

$650 for 6 treatments

$925 for 9 treatments

$1300 for 12 treatments

Body Contouring

with 40k Ultrsonic Cavitation and Radio Frequency

Body Contouring with 40k Ultrasonic Cavitation

Body Contouring with Radio Frequency

Ultrasonic cavitation uses ultrasonic technology to breakdown fat cells within the subcutaneous layer of the skin. This treatment will liquefy fat cells and reduce cellulite. How this technology works is when pressure is applied to the skin the ultrasonic waves create a vibration. At a high pressure, this will break the fat calls causing them to become a liquid and move to your liver. It will be removed from your urine. This is a non-invasive procedure. You must maintain a healthy diet, and exercise consistently. Ultrasonic cavitation treatments are best to do 1-3 times per week with one full day between sessions.

Add on Cavitation or RF to other body contouring treatments for $95

$500 for 3 treatments

$875 for 6 treatments

$1250 for 9 treatments

$1600 for 12 treatments

Radio frequency is a pain-free body contouring treatment. It helps by tightening the skin, reduces fat and cellulite, and tightens skin. With cellulite reduction, radio frequency will boost collagen production and gets ride of fatty deposits. The radio frequency wand has six electrodes that generate heat within the skin. This treatment can be used all over the body, including the face. RF treatments for best results 2-3 times per week for 15 minutes. For even better results bundle with other body contouring treatments.